Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> At 12:59 PM 7/25/2005 -0400, Chris McDonough wrote:
>>  In order to define a pipeline, we use a ".ini"-format configuration
> Ultimately I think the spec will need a formal description of what that 
> means exactly, including such issues as a PEP 263-style "encoding" 
> specifier, and the precise format of values.  But I'm fine with adding all 
> that myself, since I'm going to have to specify it well enough to create a 
> parser anyway.

Incidentally I have a generic ini parser here:

I suspect I'm doing the character decoding improperly (line-by-line 
instead of opening the file with the given character encoding), but 
otherwise it's been sufficiently generic and workable, and should allow 
for doing more extensive parsing of things like section headers.

Ian Bicking  /  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /
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