On Tue, 16 Aug 2005 11:48:36 -0400 (EDT), "mike bayer"
> - because a "read" operation also registers a "last accessed time" data
> member, its not using multiple reader/single writer style locking,
> everyone is a writer.  However, since I am sensitive to iframes, ajax
> calls, and dynamic image calls hitting the same session concurrently
> within a request which I'd rather not slow down, I do something less than
> optimal which is I open the session store and read the full thing into
> memory first when its accessed, and then immediately unlock.  This
> obviously can create problems for an application that is storing huge
> amounts of data in its session which is not required in full for any one
> request.

I don't think read/write locking for sessions is a Must Have, either. 
It's nice if it's easy to do (which it is, in a threaded situation), but
fundamentally the session is not the right place for caching Lots Of

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