2005/9/10, Ian Bicking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Ksenia Marasanova wrote:
> > Sorry if this is a trivial question, but does it sounds reasonable to
> > use WSGI for "pluggable" standard applications, instead of usual
> > Python imports? For example, standard news module, like:
> >
> > app = NewsApp(path='/site/news/')
> >
> > The content of news app would be inserted into site template,
> > generated by main publisher.    If there are any examples of such WSGI
> > use, I'll be glad to hear that...
> I think you are describing something along the lines of what Paste
> Deploy is doing (http://pythonpaste.org/deploy/paste-deploy.html).

Thanks for the detailed example, I finally understand now what Paste
does :). One question though, should I use environ for exchanging data
between applications (e. g. some template object, that partly rendered
by one application, and should be "finished" by News), or does Paste
have some facility for that?

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