
Why disallowing the application to set the WWW-Authenticate header? If a
middleware is present it will be overwritten anyway. If no middleware is
there then at least you won't break the first MUST in section 10.4.2 of
RFC 2616.

What happens if part of my application is to be protected by OpenID,
another by Digest and a third one by a in-house auth scheme? How does your
spec. deal with this?

- Sylvain

> I added a new spec describing authentication middleware with WSGI.  It
> doesn't describe anything new, really, it just describes what I think is
> the most basic best practice in doing WSGI-based authentication
> middleware:
>    http://wsgi.org/wsgi/Specifications/simple_authentication
> I offer it more as a basis for other specifications to build upon.
> Also copied below:
> :Title: Simple Authentication
> :Author: Ian Bicking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> :Discussions-To: Python Web-SIG <web-sig@python.org>
> :Status: Proposed
> :Created: 13-Nov-2006
> .. contents::
> Abstract
> --------
> This describes a simple pattern for implementing authentication in WSGI
> middleware.  This does not propose any new features or environment keys;
> it only describes a baseline recommended practice.
> Rationale
> ---------
> Authentication is probably the most common detail that should be
> abstracted away from an application, as it is a concern most often bound
> to a *deployment*.
> Specification
> -------------
> There are two components to authentication:
>   1. Indicating when a request is authenticated, and by who
>   2. Responding that authentication is necessary
> There are already two conventions for this:
>   1. Put the username in ``REMOTE_USER``
>   2. Respond with ``401 Unauthorized``
> .. note::
>     Please do not confused ``401 Unauthorized`` with "permission
> denied".  Permission denied should be indicated with ``403 Forbidden``.
>      This should be the string username of the user, nothing more.
> ``401 Unauthorized``:
>      Because middleware is handling the authentication, additional
> information is not required.  You do not (and should not) include a
> ``WWW-Authenticate`` header.  The middleware may include that header, or
> may change the response in some other way to handle the login.
> Example
> --------
> The first example implements simple HTTP Basic authentication::
>    class HTTPBasic(object):
>        def __init__(self, app, user_database, realm='Website'):
>            self.app = app
>            self.user_database = user_database
>        def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
>            def repl_start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None):
>                if status.startswith('401'):
>                    remove_header(headers, 'WWW-Authenticate')
>                    headers.append(('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic
> realm="%s"' % self.realm))
>                return start_response(status, headers)
>            auth = environ.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION')
>            if auth:
>                scheme, data = auth.split(None, 1)
>                assert scheme.lower() == 'basic'
>                username, password = data.decode('base64').split(':', 1)
>                if self.user_database.get(username) != password:
>                    return self.bad_auth(environ, start_response)
>                environ['REMOTE_USER'] = username
>                del environ['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']
>            return self.app(environ, repl_start_response)
>        def bad_auth(self, environ, start_response):
>            body = 'Please authenticate'
>            headers = [
>                ('content-type', 'text/plain'),
>                ('content-length', str(len(body))),
>                ('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="%s"' % self.realm)]
>            start_response('401 Unauthorized', headers)
>            return [body]
>    def remove_header(headers, name):
>        for header in headers:
>            if header[0].lower() == name.lower():
>                headers.remove(header)
>                break
> Problems
> --------
> * Strictly speaking, it is illegal to send a ``401 Unauthorized``
> response without the WWW-Authenticate header.  If no middleware is
> installed, most browsers will treat it like a ``200 OK``.  There is also
> no way to detect if an appropriate middleware is installed.
> * This doesn't give any other information about the user.  That
> information can go in other keys, but that is not addressed in this
> specification currently.
> * Some login methods will redirect the user, and any POST request data
> will possibly be lost.  (Note that a specification like
> ["handling_post_forms"] helps address this problem.)
> Other Possibilities
> -------------------
> * While you can add to this specification, I think it's the most logical
> and useful way to do authentication and better efforts can build on this
> base.
> Open Issues
> -----------
> See Problems.
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