Phillip wrote:
> At 03:36 PM 12/19/2006 -0800, Jason Kirtland wrote:
>> To my reading, PEP 333 implies that a server should plop the
>> Request-URI into PATH_INFO, and it should store it there
>> unmolested.
> That's only the case if the address of the application is the
> root of the server, and then only if the request URI is a path,
> rather than an absolute URI.

What would a server do with an absolute URI vs. abs_path, if not 
place it in PATH_INFO?  Or '*', for that matter?  Should these 
types of requests be handleable by a WSGI stack?  Apache augments 
the CGI environment with a REQUEST_URI- if WSGI had one of these I 
guess I'd expect to see non-path URIs there.

> Note that a CGI-to-WSGI or FastCGI-to-WSGI gateway (or a piece of
> routing middleware) will have a SCRIPT_NAME that designates the
> location of the target application.  [...]

Agreed; see the footnote in my post.  A gateway doesn't necessarily 
have or want access to the Request-URI.  I think the anti-fiddling 
assertion applies here as well though- a WSGI gateway server 
shouldn't pro-actively normalize SCRIPT_NAME or PATH_INFO that it's 
pulling from upstream.


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