We decided to add chunking encoding to our own server, it wasn't all
that hard. What's the business of only doing it for certain status

On 12/20/06, Phillip J. Eby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 08:51 PM 12/20/2006 +0000, Sylvain Hellegouarch wrote:
> >[1] http://www.cherrypy.org/browser/trunk/cherrypy/wsgiserver.py
> Guido, it does appear that this server implements chunked encoding if you:
> 1. Use a status of 200, 203, or 206
> 2. Don't include a Content-Length header
> 3. *Yield* each chunk from your application as a separate block (i.e. don't
> use write())
> Sylvain, it appears that the above code has a bug in its chunked support if
> an application uses write() calls.  It will set the encoding to chunked,
> but it won't actually write the data in chunks when write() is called.  You
> might want to pass that information back to the CherryPy developers,
> although I think there are probably some reading this list.
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