On 12/22/06, Phillip J. Eby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 09:55 AM 12/22/2006 -0800, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> >(Also, wsgiref violates a couple of Python style guides that make me
> >not want to update it myself. Phillip promised he would clean it up
> >for distribution but never did,
> I only have the vaguest recollection of you mentioning this, but can't find
> any actual emails about it.  As far as I know, I incorporated fixes for all
> of your bug reports, either using your patches or my own.  Would you mind
> refreshing my memory as to the style issues or "ideosyncracies" you are
> referring to?

I'll gladly clean it up and send the patch to you for review.

> >  so the version distributed with Python
> >2.5 has a few strange ideosyncracies that I'm afraid to clean up
> >because last time someone touched Phillip's code he threw a fit.)
> If by "fit" you mean the one email I sent to Python-dev requesting that
> others hold off on changes to wsgiref, please note that it was based on:
> 1. my misunderstanding the policy for changes to externally-distributed
> modules (like wsgiref) and the nature of the purpose of having a designated
> maintainer for contributed stdlib modules,

Yes, misunderstanding are usually the main reason why anybody throws a fit.

> 2. at a time when I was working on incorporating documentation and code
> patches and suggestions from the Web-SIG in order to finish the Python 2.5
> version of wsgiref and release a matching external version for older
> Pythons, all with a tight deadline.  AND, I had just spent a few hours work
> that had to be redone when I discovered that changes (other than the
> automated whitespace normalization) had been taking place on the trunk.
> Since I now understand the policy clearly, and am not attempting to
> integrate anything into either version of wsgiref, you are quite safe from
> any emails from me regarding your changes, with the possible exception of
> questions regarding changed functionality.
> And even that isn't likely to happen for a while, since I don't foresee
> making any new external releases of wsgiref any time in the next few
> months, barring an emergency due to some horrible bug being discovered.

Great. I may even add HTTP/1.1 and chunked support to it then. (Not
today though, it's family day.)

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)
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