The WSGI specification doesn't really say much about chunked transfer encoding
for content sent within the body of a request. The only thing that appears to
apply is the comment:

  WSGI servers must handle any supported inbound "hop-by-hop" headers on their
  own, such as by decoding any inbound Transfer-Encoding, including chunked
  encoding if applicable.

What does this really mean in practice though?

As a means of getting feedback on what is the correct approach I'll go through
how the CherryPy WSGI server handles it. The problem is that the CherryPy
approach raises a few issues which makes me wander if it is doing it in the
most appropriate way.

In CherryPy, when it sees that the Transfer-Encoding is set to 'chunked' while
parsing the HTTP headers, it will at that point, even before it has called
start_response for the WSGI application, read in all content from the body of
the request.

CherryPy reads in the content like this for two reasons. The first is so that
it can then determine the overall length of the content that was available and
set the CONTENT_LENGTH value in the WSGI environ. The second reason is so that
it can read in any additional HTTP header fields that may occur in the trailer
after the last data chunk and also incorporate them into the WSGI environ.

The first issue with what it does is that it has read in all the content. This 
a WSGI application the ability to stream content from the body of a request and
process it a bit at a time. If the content is huge, that it buffers it can also 
the application process size will grow significantly.

The second issue, although I am confused on whether the CherryPy WSGI server
actually implements this correctly, is that if the client was expecting to see a
100 continue response, this will need to be sent back to the client before any
content can be read. When chunked transfer encoding is not used, such a 100
continue response would in a good WSGI server only be sent when the WSGI
application called read() on wsgi.input for the first time. Ie., the 100 
indicates that the application which is consuming the data is actually ready to
start processing it. What CherryPy WSGI server is doing is circumventing that 
the client could think the final consumer application is ready before it 
actually is.

Note that I am assuming here that 100 continue is still usable in conjunction
with chunked transfer encoding. In CherryPy WSGI server it only actually sends
the 100 continue after it attempts to try and read content in the presence of a
chunked transfer encoding header. Not sure if this is actually a bug or not.

CherryPy WSGI server also doesn't wait until first read() by WSGI application
before sending back the 100 continue either and instead sends it as soon as the
headers are parsed. This may be fine, but possibly not most optimal as it denies
an application the ability to fail a request and avoid a client sending the
actual content.

Now, to my mind, the preferred approach would be that the content would not
be read up front like this and instead CONTENT_LENGTH would simply be unset
in the WSGI environ.

>From prior discussions related to input filtering on the list, a WSGI
application shouldn't really be paying much attention to CONTENT_LENGTH anyway
and should just be using read() to get data until it returns an empty string.
Thus, for chunked data, that it doesn't know the content length up front
shouldn't matter as it should just call read() until there is no more. BTW, it 
not be this simple for something like a proxy, but that is a discussion for 

Doing this also means that the 100 continue only gets sent when the application
is ready and there is no need to for the content to be buffered up.

That it is the actual application which is consuming the data and not some
intermediary means that an application could implement some mechanism whereby
it reads some data, acts on that and starts sending some data in response. The
client then might send more data based on that response which the application
only then reads, send more data as response etc. Thus an end to end
communication stream can be established where the actual overall content length
of the request could never be established up front.

The only problem with deferring any reading of data to when the application
wants to actually read it, is that if the overall length of content in the 
is bounded, there is no way to get access to the additional headers in the 
of the request and have them available in the WSGI environ since processing of
the WSGI environ has already occurred before any data was read.

So, what gives. What should a WSGI server do for chunked transfer encoding on
a request?

I may not totally understand 100 continue and chunked transfer encoding and
am happy to be correct in my understanding of them, but what CherryPy WSGI
server does doesn't seem right to me at first look.

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