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:Title: Avoiding Serialization When Stacking Middleware
:Author: Ian Bicking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
:Discussions-To: Python Web-SIG <>
:Status: Proposed
:Created: 06-03-2007

.. contents::


This proposal gives a strategy for avoiding unnecessary serialization 
and deserialization of request and response bodies.  It does so by 
attaching attributes to ``wsgi.input`` and the ``app_iter``, as well as 
a new environment key ``x-wsgiorg.want_parsed_response``.


Output-transforming middleware often has to parse the upstream content, 
transform it, then serialize it back to a string for output.  The 
original output may have already been in the parsed form that the 
middleware wanted.  Or there may be more middleware that does similar 
transformations on the same kind of objects.

The same things apply to the parsing of ``wsgi.input``, specifically 
parsing form data.  A similar strategy is presented to avoid 
unnecessarily reparsing that data.


WSGI applications (or middleware) can return an app_iter that not only 
serializes the output, but also has extra attributes.  An attribute is 
given here, ``app_iter.x_wsgiorg_parsed_response`` which is a 
function/method that takes one argument, the "type" of object that you 
want to receive.  It may return that type of object, or None (meaning it 
cannot produce that type of object).  Consumers should fall back on 
normal parsing of the response if the method does not exist, or returns 

Similarly the ``environ['wsgi.input']`` object may have the same method, 
with the same meaning.

WSGI applications that want to lazily serialize their output have a 
problem: they probably cannot calculate ``Content-Length`` without doing 
the actual serialization.  Browsers typically want to know about 
``Content-Length``, but WSGI middleware seldom cares, since it just can 
get the content from app_iter regardless of its length.  WSGI middleware 
that will transform the output can set 
``environ['x-wsgiorg.want_parsed_response'] = True`` to give this hint 
to the application.  Applications are thus encouraged to only lazily 
serialize their output when that key is present and true.  (There is no 
equivalent concept for ``wsgi.input``.)

The object returned by ``.x_wsgiorg_parsed_response()`` may be modified 
in-place by the WSGI middleware using that object.  Producers should 
make a copy if they do not want consumers modifying the object.


Two examples are provided: one for output, and one for input.

The output transformation parses the page with ``lxml.etree.HTML`` (from 
the `lxml <>`_ library) and replaces all 
``<i>`` tags with ``<em>`` tags.  First we show the middleware::

     import lxml.etree

     class EmTagMiddleware(object):
         def __init__(self, app):
    = app
         def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
             parent_wants_parsed = 
             environ['x-wsgiorg.want_parsed_response'] = True
             written_output = []
             captured_headers = []
             def repl_start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None):
                 if exc_info:
                     raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]
                 captured_headers[:] = [status, headers]
                 return written_output.append
             app_iter =, repl_start_response)
             parsed = None
             if captured_headers and not written_output:
                 method = getattr(app_iter, 'x_wsgiorg_parsed_response', 
                 if method:
                     parsed = method(lxml.etree._Element)
             if parsed is None:
                 # Have to manually parse, because:
                 #  a) start_response was called lazily
                 #  b) the start_response writer was used
                 #  c) app_iter.x_wsgiorg_parsed_response didn't exist
                 #  d) that method returned None
                     for item in app_iter:
                     if hasattr(app_iter, 'close'):
                 parsed = self.parse_body(''.join(written_output))
             status, headers = captured_headers
             new_body = self.transform_body(parsed)
             for i in range(len(headers)):
                 if headers[i][0].lower() == 'content-length':
                     del headers[i]
             if parent_wants_parsed:
                 new_app_iter = self.make_app_iter(new_body)
                 serialized_body = serialize(new_body)
                 new_app_iter = [serialized_body]
             return new_app_iter

         def parse_body(self, body):
             return lxml.etree.HTML(body)

         def transform_body(self, root):
             for el in root.xpath('//i'):
                 el.tag = 'em'
             return root

         def make_app_iter(self, body):
             return LazyLXML(body)

     def serialize(element):
         return lxml.etree.tostring(element)

     class LazyLXML(object):
         def __init__(self, body):
             self.body = body
             self.have_yielded = False
         def __iter__(self):
             return self
         def next(self):
             if self.have_yielded:
                 raise StopIteration
             self.have_yielded = True
             return serialize(self.body)
         def x_wsgiorg_parsed_response(self, type):
             if type is lxml.etree._Element:
                 return self.body
             return None

Here's a simpler example for parsing normal form inputs in ``wsgi.input``::

     import cgi
     import urllib
     from cStringIO import StringIO

     def parse_form(environ):
         content_type = environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE', '')
         assert content_type in ['application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 
         wsgi_input = environ['wsgi.input']
         method = getattr(wsgi_input, 'x_wsgiorg_parsed_response', None)
         if method:
             parsed = method(cgi.FieldStorage)
             if parsed is not None:
                 return parsed
         form = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=wsgi_input, environ=environ, 
         environ['wsgi.input'] = FakeFormInput(form)
         return form

     class FakeFormInput(object):
         def __init__(self, form):
             self.form = form
             self.serialized = None
         def x_wsgiorg_parsed_response(self, type):
             if type is cgi.FieldStorage:
                 return self.form
             return None
         def read(self):
             if self.serialized is None:
         def readline(self, *args):
             if self.serialized is None:
             return self.serialized.readline(*args)
         def readlines(self, *args):
             if self.serialized is None:
             return self.serialized.readlines(*args)
         def __iter__(self):
             if self.serialized is None:
             return iter(self.serialized)
         def _serialize(self):
             # XXX: Doesn't deal with file uploads, and 
multipart/form-data generally
             data = urllib.urlencode(self.form.list, True)
             self.serialized = StringIO(data)


Obviously the code is not simple, but this is the nature of WSGI 
output-transforming middleware.  Ideally a framework of some sort would 
be used to construct this kind of middleware.

Something that replaces ``wsgi.input`` (like the example) may change the 
``CONTENT_LENGTH`` of the request; normalization alone may change the 
length, even if the data is the same (e.g., there are multiple ways to 
urlencode a string).  However, there's no way without actually 
serializing to determine the proper length.  Ideally requests like this 
should allow simply reading to the end of the object, without needing a 
``CONTENT_LENGTH`` restriction (this is not true for socket objects). 
Ideally something like ``CONTENT_LENGTH="-1"`` would indicate this 
situation (simply a missing ``CONTENT_LENGTH`` generally means ``0``). 
Another option is to set it to 1 and simply return the entire serialized 
response all at once.  ``cgi.FieldStorage`` actually protects against 
this.  Or set it to a very very large value, and allow reading past the 
end (returning ``""``).  This is likely to work with most consumers. 
I'm not sure what effect -1 will have on different code.

Other Possibilities

* You could simply parse everything ever time.
* You could pass data through callbacks in the environment (but this can 
break non-aware middleware).
* You can make custom methods and keys for each case.
* You can use something other than WSGI.

I think this specification offers advantages over all these options.

Open Issues

Should "type" be the class object?  A string describing the type? 
Things like ``lxml.etree._Element`` are a little unclean, since the 
*actual* class isn't a public object (only the factory function 
``lxml.etree.Element``).  Also, there are occasionally times when 
multiple classes implement the same interface.

The boolean ``environ['x-wsgiorg.want_parsed_response']`` doesn't really 
give any idea of what *kind* of object you want.  This is actually 
something of a problem, because sometimes it's impossible to give that 
kind of object.  For instance, if you want to transform images you might 
want the PIL object for the image.  But if the response is HTML there's 
no way to give this type.  Similarly if you are transforming HTML then 
images don't mean anything to you, and you probably *do* want them to 
come out as normal.  And potentially *both* a image transformer and an 
HTML transformer are in the stack.  Should that key actually hold a list 
of types that are of interest?

``x_wsgiorg_parsed_response`` isn't a very good name for the method on 
``wsgi.input``, as it's not a response.
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