Thomas Broyer ha scritto:
> 2007/10/8, Manlio Perillo:
>> However there are two problems here:
>> 1) It is not clear if WSGI explicitly allows an implementation to skip
>>    the iteration over the app_iter object, for optimization purpose
>> 2) For a WSGI implementation embedded in an existing webserver, the
>>    most convenient method to perform cache validation is to let the
>>    server do it; however this requires to send the headers as soon as
>>    start_response is called, and this is not allowed.
> Oops, sorry, hadn't correctly understood what you were saying. Of
> course you're right here.

A precisation: this is only an optimization.

Nginx will always do the cache validation (if the appropriate header 
filter is enabled) and will discard the body if the cliend has a fresh copy.

The same applies to If-Range, but in this case it is not possible to 
optimize the WSGI application execution.

Regards  Manlio Perillo
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