At 07:44 AM 12/21/2007 +0700, Brian Smith wrote:
>fact, if that was done, there would be no reason to have wsgi.errors in
>the first place.

There are other logging systems out there besides the Python logging 
module -- and some of them are better for their specific 
purposes.  And the Python logging module doesn't give you any 
WSGI-level control over output.  At least if you use wsgi.errors, you 
can have middleware that e.g. logs different parts of your 
application tree to different log outputs.

>Furthermore, doing so turned out to be impossible anyway, since I can't
>reliably redirect the output of every logger used by every third-party
>package and every built-in package.

Which just goes to illustrate the problem of using a global logging 
package that has only static context (which is one of my pet peeves 
re: the logging module).  In my experience, you more want to be able 
to filter and route logs by component *instance* (e.g. which page of 
your web app is being rendered) than by code module (e.g. templating 
library vs. db library).  Dividing up the logs by which module issued 
the message is a bug, not a feature.

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