Manlio Perillo wrote:
> I have implemented the wsgiorg.routing_args specification, using the 
> code in the example.
> However I have a problem, and I can't see a good solution.
> Suppose that an application is mounted (embedded in a web server) at 
> location "/example".
> The application script executed by the server simply setups the 
> routings, database connections and so.
> Let's suppose that the request uri is "/example/login/".
> For the main application, SCRIPT_NAME is "/example".
> For the application at "/login", SCRIPT_NAME is "/example/login".
> My problem is that I want, in the page generated by "login" application, 
> return an anchor in the form "/example/logout/".
> The usual solution is to do environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] + '/logout', but this 
> will return "/example/login/logout/", and not "/example/logout/".
> This seems to be not possible with the current specifications, since the 
> "original" SCRIPT_NAME is lost.
> What is the best solution?
> 1) Do not change SCRIPT_NAME, and instead add a wsgiorg.consumed_path, a
>     list.
>     This means that the request uri recostruction must be changed:
>     SCRIPT_NAME = SCRIPT_NAME + '/'.join(wsgiorg.consumed_path)

I suppose you could leave stuff on PATH_INFO.  But that doesn't seem to 
fit with the idea of PATH_INFO.  Also, will it be strictly 
SCRIPT_NAME/consumed_path/PATH_INFO, or could it be 
SCRIPT_NAME/consumed_path/some_other_parsing/consumed_path/PATH_INFO -- 
after all, there's cases where stuff gets pushed from PATH_INFO to 
SCRIPT_NAME, and if consumed_path is in between, which one do you push 
stuff to?

> 2) Store a wsgiorg.original_script_name, with the value seen by the
>     routing application.

I guess I usually do something like this, typically storing 
myapp.base_path for use when I am generation application-absolute URLs 
(like /logout).  Then at the first chance (before running any kind of 
routing) I do "environ['myapp.base_path'] = environ['SCRIPT_NAME']".

This ad hoc technique works fine, but is very ad hoc.  I'm not sure what 
the best way to handle this is, really.  I'm not sure there's a singular 
root for an entire request, if you are nesting applications, so a single 
key (wsgiorg.original_script_name) doesn't seem quite right.

I can't remember what Routes does for URL generation.  Maybe it leaves 
SCRIPT_NAME alone?  I think so.

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