On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 2:48 PM, Ian Bicking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Brett Cannon wrote:
>  > which I am liking. But I figured I would ask if there is any remote
>  > chance the this SIG has plans to either merge urllib and urllib2 or
>  > come up with a new module, or something before 3.0 comes out.
>  httplib2 is basically a replacement for urllib.  I personally prefer it
>  to urllib.  I don't know how other people feel, or Joe's thoughts (the
>  author).

Since no one has stepped forward to go through the hoops necessary to
get it into the stdlib I am not going to worry about it for this

>  Somewhat ironically httplib2 has a scope that is closer to urllib than
>  httplib.  It would be nice if this naming style (x and x2) didn't persist.

That's the point of this endeavor.

It has been suggested by Fred on the stdlib-sig that urllib should
just be tossed in favor of urllib2 since most people probably just use
urlopen() and that is mostly compatible between the two. What do
people think of that idea?

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