>Manlio Perillo wrote:
>> Brian Smith wrote:

>> For "non-blocking reads", given environ["wsgi.input"].read(64000,
>> min=8000):
>> 1. If more than 64000 bytes are available without blocking, [64000] bytes
>> are returned.
>> 2. If less than 8000 bytes are available without blocking, then the
>> gateway blocks until at least [8000] bytes are available.
>> 3. When 8000-63999 bytes are available, then all those bytes are
>> returned.

I made some typos when I was editing the above description. I have
corrected them by replacing the typos with the corrected text in
[brackets]. I hope it makes more sense now.


4. If the "min" parameter is absent, or less than zero, then it defaults
to being equal to the first argument (i.e. the current always-blocking

5. There is no way to distinguish "no input available yet" from EOF, when
min=0 using just read(). Instead, some other mechanism must be used to
detect EOF if true non-blocking reads (min=0) are used. The vast majority
of the time, keeping a count of the bytes read and comparing to
CONTENT_LENGTH will be enough.

Note also that calling this "non-blocking" is really not precise, because
sometimes it does block due to rule #2 above.

- Brian

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