On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 9:15 AM, Etienne
Robillard<robillard.etie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Martin,
> I don't care about '97, pretty much.
> I think that if this Jim guy has lots of experience then at least he
> could not pretend that other people works are made by/for geniuses,
> which is probably untrue anyway.

How do you know that Jim believes this? I don't see anything in his
initial announcement (or in skimming the documentation) that implies
you should choose Bobo over any other framework.

> There's other ways to advertise a open source project. One method
> is to discriminate other projects, thus making it's own work appears
> better in some ways or another. Of courses this has nothing to do in
> being a genius.. You don't have to be a genius to copy-and-paste things.

Again, this seems to be a stretch.  Jim simply sent a message letting
people know about Bobo.  I for one appreciate that, as it's useful for
me to have different tools in my toolkit for approaching different
problems.  Bobo may share features (or non-features) with other
frameworks (web.py comes to mind) but that doesn't mean it's "copy and

This feels like an ad hominem argument which is both surprising and


> regards,
> Etienne
> Martijn Faassen wrote:
>> Hey,
>> On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 4:51 PM, Etienne
>> Robillard<robillard.etie...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Nothing very new here. At least next time try to be a little more
>>> creative, otherwise this is getting slightly boring and repetitive...
>> It's a bit rich to call Jim Fulton uncreative concerning web
>> development. I suggest you delve into the history of Python web
>> development for a bit. Of course back in '97 there was more to invent
>> than there is today.
>> Regards,
>> Martijn
> --
> Etienne Robillard <robillard.etie...@gmail.com>
> Green Tea Hackers Club <http://gthc.org/>
> Blog: <http://gthc.org/blog/>
> PGP Fingerprint: AED6 B33B B41D 5F4F A92A  2B71 874C FB27 F3A9 BDCC
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