> The first major release of the BFG web framework (aka "repoze.bfg"),
> version 1.0, is available.  See http://bfg.repoze.org/ for general
> information about repoze.bfg.
> ...
> - WSGI-based deployment: PasteDeploy and mod_wsgi compatible.
> ...
> - A comprehensive set of unit tests.  The repoze.bfg package contains
>  11K lines of Python code.  8000 lines of that total line count is
>  unit test code that tests the remaining 3000 lines.

A question about your testing if you have time. Is this done in a fake
WSGI hosting environment, ie., test harness, or is it able to be run
through WSGI servers such as Paste server, Apache/mod_wsgi, etc, in
some way?

Am curious from the point of view that standalone test suites for WSGI
itself to run against WSGI hosting mechanisms don't really exist, so
the test suite for BFG, with the presumption that it would exercise a
lot of WSGI functionality, might be a good regression test for WSGI
servers themselves.

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