At 08:42 AM 1/4/2010 -0800, Aaron Watters wrote:

> From: Aaron Watters <>
> ....
> If an application returns an iterable response and *also*
> calls the write()... what is supposed to happen?

After carefully considering all the responses on this issue ;c)
I came up with the following strategy for dealing with calls to
write() in combination with an iterable response:  see$AA

This wrapper implementation diverts calls to write() into the iterable
response so the rest of the system can ignore the write()
function().  I'd be very happy if some of you would take a quick
look and see if this makes sense to you.

Do note that an application which calls write() from an iterator body is *not* WSGI compliant, as described under:

"""Applications MUST NOT invoke write() from within their return iterable, and therefore any strings yielded by the iterable are transmitted after all strings passed to write() have been sent to the client."""

In practice, however, wsgiref.handlers treats write() and yield as interchangeable, and wsgiref.validate doesn't complain if an application calls write() from within an iteration.. :-(

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