Alex Morega ha scritto:
> Hello,
> This is not really a WSGI question, it's more into general configuration, but 
> I don't know of a better place to ask it.
> Paster config files allow you to hook up WSGI applications, middleware, and a 
> server, plus some (undocumented?) magic configuration of the logging module. 
> But what about random components, like a database? Ideally I'd like to 
> specify a factory for database connections and give it some parameters; this 
> would return a reference to a new database connection. I could then pass this 
> reference to my wsgi app or middleware.
> Apparently the pattern is to perform this database configuration as part of a 
> wsgi middleware, but that feels unnatural. Or one could do this outside of 
> the paste configuration file, but that just splits the configuration 
> needlessly into several pieces. Am I missing something obvious?

I use YAML with custom constructors:

There is a middleware:
that reads a list of configuration files to load from the WSGI environ
(I set this in the Nginx mod_wsgi) configuration, and merge all the
configuration in the WSGI environ.

Using custom YAML constructors it is possible to do something like:

It is also possible to configure the global python logging, create
temporary files and so on.

> Thanks,
> -- Alex

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