At 02:37 PM 8/30/2010 +1000, Graham Dumpleton wrote:
Anyway, rather than keep arguing the point and move forward, let us
perhaps start now with the following definitions and new names to
identify them. We can even go a bit stupid and give each its own code
name so they are in part more memorable. Any next option based on your
suggestions about changing the WHEAT option can be called MAIZE. And
if you thinking I am going stark raving mad and should be put in a
white jacket and locked up, you could well be right. I am not a happy
camper right now, but that is because of many things besides this WSGI
stuff. :-)

 And yes I know about the page that has been just recently put up at:

From memory when I first read it I wasn't sure if that it was
completely accurate, but at least it doesn't now mention mod_python
instead of mod_wsgi which was mighty confusing. We can perhaps merge
the following into that page, ie., expand the table, and talk more
about the abstract definitions rather than linking it to specific
implementations at this point. We can perhaps then start capturing the
pros and cons against each option in the page rather than loosing them
in the email chain.

I've added a column to the page called "flat" that captures my current proposal (native keys, surrogateescape values, byte stream in, strict bytes-only for all outputs). This seems to me an optimum balance between:

* Verifiability (especially *composable* verifiability)
* Low cognitive overhead (i.e., fewest things to remember)
* Low amount of finger-typing and fewer conversions

But I certainly could be convinced otherwise by example or argument.

(One other thing I consider a plus for this approach, btw: os.environ is still largely usable as a WSGI environ in the CGI case. This isn't so much a valuable thing in itself, as that it's an indicator of low complexity and cognitive overhead.)
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