<wrt being able to yield an empty string repeatedly until the
application has time to generate a response tuple as a fundamental in an
async web framework>

On Sat, 2010-09-18 at 14:08 +0300, Ionel Maries Cristian wrote:
> There's a framework called cogen and it relies on this policy.

I've been told by a number of people (both async and sync people) that
WSGI is a poor protocol on top of which to develop async applications,
and they usually go on to say that async applications and servers really
should communicate over separate (perhaps-WSGI-like) protocol.

I don't really know much about developing async web applications, but
frankly I'm loath to keep features in this thing that are only tolerated
(spat upon lightly! ;-))  by async folks, but which are also common
tripping points for people who never write async applications.

This is an apologetic way of saying "please find more champions for this

- C

> -- ionel
> On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 12:34, Ian Bicking <i...@colorstudy.com>
> wrote:
>         On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 5:03 AM, Marcel Hellkamp
>         <m...@gsites.de> wrote:
>                 With WSGI it was possible to yield empty strings as
>                 long as the
>                 application is waiting for data and call
>                 start_response once the headers
>                 are final. Not perfect, but at least non-blocking.
>                 Web3 removes this
>                 possibility. The headers must be returned before the
>                 body iterable
>                 yielded its first element, empty or not.
>                 Removing any support for this type of asynchronism
>                 would render web3
>                 useless for all but completely synchronous and trivial
>                 applications.
>                 Even frameworks would have no way to work around this
>                 anymore.
>         I'm aware of what a lot of people have done with WSGI, but I'm
>         not aware of anyone doing an async proxy of any sort, or
>         implementing anything in a way where this empty string policy
>         served any function.  It's not implausible that it *could* be
>         used, but years of practice have shown it is not used.
>         -- 
>         Ian Bicking  |  http://blog.ianbicking.org
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