At 11:11 AM 9/23/2010 -0600, Jeff Hardy wrote:
On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 10:06 AM, P.J. Eby <> wrote:
> So, unless somebody has some additional arguments on this one, I think I'm
> going to stick with bytes output.

I don't have a strong opinion on whether it should be bytes or strings
-- I'll leave that discussion for people who know more about the
details than I do.

I do think input and output should be symmetric, though. If response
headers are going to be bytes, then the request headers should be as
well, or vice versa. The same arguments apply to both, after all.

Actually, they don't. There are more apps than servers, so more code to get right, by more people. Servers also don't generally *create* any of the bytes or text involved, they're just ferrying it from one place to the next. So the API conditions are not symmetrical.

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