At 02:07 PM 9/25/2010 -0700, Guido van Rossum wrote:
This is a very laudable initiative and I approve of the changes -- but
I really think it ought to be a separate PEP rather than pretending it
is just a set of textual corrections on the existing PEP 333.

With the exception of the bytes change, I ruled out accepting any proposed amendments that would actually alter the protocol. The amendments are all either textual clarifications, clarifications of ambiguous/unspecified areas, or best-practice recommendations by implementors. (i.e., which are generally already implemented in major servers)

The full list of things Graham and others have asked for or recommended would indeed require a 1.1 version at minimum, and thus a new PEP. But I really don't want to start down that road right now, and therefore hope that I can talk Graham or some other poor soul into shepherding a 1.1 PEP instead. ;-)

(Seriously: through an ironic twist of fate, I have done nearly *zero* Python web programming since around the time I drafted the first spec in 2004, so even if it makes sense for me to finish PEP 333, it makes little sense for me to be starting a *new* one on the topic now!)

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