On 2010-11-22, at 3:05 PM, Mark Ramm <mark.mchristen...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I would very much prefer it if we could keep the current name or choose a new 
> unrelated name, not wsgi2 as I think there API changes warrant a new name to 
> prevent confusion.

Web3, as mentioned in previous mailing list traffic, is a registered trademark. 
Python Web and WSGI are closely linked in the public mind-space. (Sleep 
deprived an can't think of a better way to phrase that.) Finally, I, and 
seemingly Python core, interpret major version number changes as breaking; py3k 
having backwards-incompatible syntax changes.

At a high level PEP 444 is /similar/ to WSGI in so far as the environ is a 
dict, and the returned values are a bytestring status, list of tuples for 
headers, and an iterable body. The inner implementation details seem a 
progressive enhancement and clarification of details which just happen to be 

Preserving the WSGI name has marketing benefits, refines existing understanding 
of the server/middleware/application semantics rather than implying something 
/completely/ new, and increasing the version to 2.0 "clearly" declares the 

I think that Python 2 vs. 3 is a good comparison here; Python 3 has a different 
syntax and grammar, making it a fundamentally different language and is 
incompatible because of this. Why is it called Python and not Xyzzy?  #python 
wouldn’t have to have  ;)

Web frameworks have been encountering this problem for some time; TurboGerars 
developers, e.g., have been mulling over migrating to Pyramid or another 
top-level metaframework and debating strategies for migration: point everyone 
at something else, create something new, or keep the name and associated 

Technically PEP 444 is incompatible, and wsgi.version = (2, 0) (and clear 
documentation) should indicate that.

   — Alice.
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