On 2011-01-08 20:06:19 -0800, Alex Grönholm said:

I liked the idea of having a separate async_read() method in wsgi.input, which would set the underlying socket in nonblocking mode and return a future. The event loop would watch the socket and read data into a buffer and trigger the callback when the given amount of data has been read. Conversely, .read() would set the socket in blocking mode. What kinds of problems would this cause?

Manipulating the underlying socket is potentially dangerous (pipelining) and, in fact, not possible AFIK while being PEP444-compliant. When the request body is fully consumed, additional attempts to read _must_ return empty strings. Thus raw sockets are right out at a high level; internal to the reactor this may be possible, however. It'd be interesting to adapt marrow.io to using futures in this way as an experiment.

OTOH, if you utilize callbacks extensively (as m.s.http does) you run into the problem of data passing. Your application is called (wrapped in middleware), sets up some futures and callbacks, then returns. No returned data. Middleware just got shot in the foot. The server, also, got shot in the foot. How can it get a resopnse tuple back from a callback? How can middleware be utilized? That's a weird problem to wrap my head around. Blocking the application pending the results of various socket operations is something that would have to be mandated to avoid this issue. :/

Multiple in-flight reads would also be problematic; you may end up with buffer interleaving issues. (e.g. job A reads 128 bytes at a time and has been requested to return 4KB, job B does the same... what happens to the data?) Then you begin to involve locking...

Notice that my write_body method [1], writes using async, passing the iterable to the callback which is itself. This is after-the-fact (after the request has been returned) and is A-OK, though would need to be updated heavily to support the ideas of async floating around right now. I'm also extremely careful to never have multiple async callbacks pending (and thus never have muliple "jobs" for a single connection working at once).

        - Alice.

[1] https://github.com/pulp/marrow.server.http/blob/draft/marrow/server/http/protocol.py#L313-332

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