On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 9:40 AM, Alice Bevan–McGregor
<al...@gothcandy.com> wrote:
> The following are the collected ideas of myself and a few other users in the
> WebCore chat room:
>        https://gist.github.com/911991

A couple of comments:

4. It would be nice to also support web applications that provide
their own web server (for whatever reason). chroot/jail them into a a
virtualenv of their own (maybe?)

6. It would be nice to also support other standard UNIX-ish logging. eg: syslog

> Being generic (i.e. using WSGI under-the-hood) and allowing generic port
> assignments for other (non-web) networked applications is a design goal.

Good :)


-- James Mills
-- "Problems are solved by method"
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