On 2011-08-18, at 23:14 , Graham Dumpleton wrote:
> Who owns and manages www.wsgi.org wiki?
> The amount of spam the wiki gets now is becoming rediculous.
> If we care about the wiki, it is time to take the content in it and
> dump it in github as a project which can then be loaded up to Read The
> Docs, with www.wsgi.org directing to that.
Would require converting from moinmoin to rst would it not?

> In the mean time, can anyone else help clean up the spam. I am usually
> the only one who does it, but this time there is too much and becomes
> a waste of my time. I only have so many phone meetings where I can
> secretly be cleaning up the spam at the same time. So, many hands make
> light work. :-)
While not involved in Web-SIG or any of that, I'd be glad to help on
cleaning up the spam on wsgi.org.

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