On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 11:07 AM, Simon Sapin <simon.sa...@exyr.org> wrote:

> ...

> So a super-set of WSGI that is not just a gateway but also does process
> management?
> @contextlib.contextmanager
> def super_application(server_**infos):
>    with contextlib.closing(open_**resource()) as resource:
>        wsgi_callable = make_app(server_infos, resource)
>        yield wsgi_callable

I like this form a lot, but I think this is an implementation detail --
since we've not answered to the main question yet.

Here's my attempt to formulate how I understand the problem at this point

current assumptions/limitations:

-  the application can be shutdown without handling a request / which makes
it orthogonal to the requests handling
-  the underlying code may use threads, making it unreliable to use atexit()
-  using signals may be problematic if some other code use it too -- for
example the wsgi server itself

-> the cleanest way seems to ask the web server itself to ping the wsgi app.


- how can we declare a shutdown entry point in the application, the web
server can use.
- how can this work with extra indirections (FASTCGI, etc)

- define startup/shutdown functions, declare them to the web server
- use the existing environ to send a 'shutdown request'


Tarek Ziadé | http://ziade.org
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