
It really bugs me to use Mailman workflow for discussions in 2012.
Why a WEB-SIG uses non-web technology for communicating anyway?
Is the web still unsuitable technology itself for communication?

What do you think about entry barrier for new people to this list?
Do you know that you can't send a message without subscribing?
Do you know that you actually have to resend the message after you've
been subscribed?

You are not allowed to post to this mailing list, and your message has
been automatically rejected.  If you think that your messages are
being rejected in error, contact the mailing list owner at

You can't just confirm it like in GMane or enter captch - you have to
subscribe, confirm subscription, and resend, then turn off delivery or
setup delete filter. I read lists from the web when I have time. GMane
could be a solution, but it doesn't up updated threads, so you can't
see what's going on with long term discussions unless you have all
threads bookmarked.

So, a couple of rhetorical questions.
What does people here feel about 'eating your own dogfood approach'?
Would you like to see an alternative and care a bit more inclusive?
I know that it all boils down to the "free time" and "volunteering",
but at least we could have an actual Roadmap.

I am asking, because I've lost the --[cut]-- reply to my mail (sent
about a week ago) inside of innards of me automatic mail filtering
software. Clearly, with forum it wouldn't happen. I also have a lost a
thread in Catalog-SIG, in which I specifically asked people to CC me
and it broke right about the time I forgot to ask. Dammit - 10 years
have passed since I have to ask for CC in list for the first time and
we are still there. Clearly, with web based software it just doesn't

I've added Barry to CC, because I am interested if new Mailman 3
interface can solve these problems?
Mailman 3 is already beta - can we try it right now for this group at least?
In the past we've discussed possibility to integrate Mailman 3 with
Google Groups as two ways mirror with shared (or mutually approved)
subscribers, but I became completely lost in the innards of email RFC
about envelopes and abstract stuff I'd never have to deal with until
this moment. I am not sure if I'll be able to resume.
anatoly t.
Web-SIG mailing list
Web SIG: http://www.python.org/sigs/web-sig

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