On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 12:36 PM, mdipierro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If I understand your question, your form.load(record) would be
> form.vars.update(record)

Hi again,

Sorry for the long email, it's kind of a big doubt for me.

I'm pretty sure I'm doing it wrong on behalf of inexperience, so I
really appreciate your help.

What I'm currently trying to do is to put the value of the parent
object in the new object I create. Say I have a table project that has
the title and user fields (a foreign key). I stored the user_id in the
session, this is what I do right now (simplified, of course):

(in model:)
   db.project.description.default = "(default description)"
(in controller:)
def new_project():
   f = FORM(INPUT(_name = "project_title", _type = "text"))
   if f.accepts(request.vars, session):
      db.project.insert(dict(title = f.vars.title, description =
f.vars.description, user = session.user_id))
      redirect(URL(r = request, f = "list"))
      return dict(form = f)

My question is: is there some way of doing:

I'd be awesome if I could make "user" a hidden field directly. That'd be like:

...f = SQLFORM(db.project, hidden = [db.project.user])
   f.vars.user = session.user_id...

and then remove the db.project.insert line.

You see, I can't put user as a default value in the model, because it
changes from session to session. Right now the solution I got for
using SQLFORM is to set the default, which I don't like because I may
forget to reset it and add another project with the wrong user at
another point:

...f = SQLFORM(db.project, fields = ["title"])
   db.project.user.default = session.user_id
   if f.accepts(request.vars, session):...

There'a also Tim's solution, which is to replicate the form in the
view with the correct hidden field and create a "bogus" SQLFORM for
the accepts.

The other problem I ran into is I'd like to a "Back" button on the
forms, which forces me to go Tim's solution and manually an input tag
and a "value='{{=form.field}}'" attribute for each field on the
edit_project form.

So, what would be the "correct" way to do it ?

By the way, I just started on it but I just love it so far. The ORM is
the coolest ever and, although I'm aware there are more comprehensive
templating engines, I just love the simplicity of web2py's. Overall it
sometimes feels like Rails yet it has a way greater deal of finesse
into it.


Deodoro Filho

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