Thanks Tim,

this is very close to what I had in mind so I think this will go in.
But let me ask you for one change. Instead of

error_destinations = {
      '400' : '/init/error/invalidPath',
      'default' : '/init/static/defaulterror.html'

make it

routes_onerror = [

where 'appname/errno' can be '*/errno' 'appname/*' and '*/*'. Also
this should be a list for uniformity with routes_in and routes_out.
Internally you can convert it to dict with dict(list).

Can you do it?


On Nov 3, 9:48 am, Timothy Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Back to the ever-present issue of (better) error-handling.  This time, I've 
> got code!
> Anyway, to catch you guys up, we last left this at Massimo liking the idea of 
> using @onerror decorators 
> ( to trap errors.  His 
> reasoning is his own, but I think it had to do with the potential complexity 
> of other proposed solutions.  In general, I'm against using decorators for 
> something that should be applied to all functions.  Furthermore, it limits 
> error-handling to that which happens inside controllers.
> So the solution I've coded works like this:
> in add this somewhere:error_destinations = {
>      400 : '/init/error/invalidPath'
>     ,'default' : '/init/static/defaulterror.html'
> }
> The key is the HTTP status code for the error; the value is the redirected 
> destination.  Only HTTP codes >= 400 are valid, others are ignored.  So in 
> the above example, if any page errors with a 400 error, the user will be 
> redirected (via HTTP 303 redirect) 
> to/init/error/invalidPath?code=400&ticket=... You get the idea.  If there is 
> no entry for the error code returned, then the default error route will be 
> used.  If no default or specific code-handler exists, you will receive the 
> normal error message the you are used to...or...
> I've also added the ability to specify the two default error pages.  
> Currently they are hard-coded in  I've moved the defaults from 
> to with the ability to be overwritten by specifying them 
> in  Example:error_message_ticket='''\
> 4.01//EN""";>
> <html lang="en">
>     <head>
>        <title>Error generating page</title>
>     </head>
>     <body>Something bad happened...sorry.  Ticket is: $(ticket)s</body>
> </html>'''
> error_message = error_message_ticket % dict(ticket="(not available)")
> Since is eval'ed, you could load this content from a separate file 
> if you wish.  To those familiar with the code, notice that I changed the 
> error messages from iterative Python string templates to dictionary-based.
> Tough questions:
> 1) What happens if an error handler returns an error? - If it returns a 
> different error than the one it is handling, error handling will redirect 
> based on the new error.  If it raises the same error it is handling at the 
> same location, then the static error message (error_message) will be 
> displayed.
> 2) Isn't there still the possibility for error-loops?  Yes, but it's much 
> less likely and will only happen because of developer coding errors rather 
> than web2py.  You would still get tickets saved, but the user will see a 
> brower page about server loops.  The only way around this right now is to 
> depend on sessions which we cannot do since the app could session.forget 
> them...right?  But this is a moot point because your error-handlers will be 
> rock-solid right!?
> So, what do you think?  Have I missed any of the potential caveats?  I 
> haven't sent in any code because I'd like some community feedback first.
> -tim
>  tfarrell.vcf
> < 1KViewDownload
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