last night i tried to get mod_rewrite to work with web2py - no go.
Same with mod_proxy.  I then tried wsgi-py stuff and I get a message
from apache access denied - do not have permissions.....  I then put
web2py in /Users/Shared and the wsgi handler in /Users/Shared and
still get the access denied.  I'm going no-where fast.... (or slow
depending on how you look at it)....

I compiled the apache wsgi module with

I'm not sure of this or the exact location i should put the (from memory here)

Is wsgi supposed to work with a local apache and local web2py

this is on os x leopard.

my mod_rewrite rule was something like Rewrite ^myapp(.*)
http://host:port$ [L,P]

Then I should be able to access via http://host/myapp right?


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