On Nov 18, 10:41 am, billf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yarko
> Basically I agree with everything you say.  There are always going to
> be some grey areas but that's life.
> For example, I could argue that hiding changes to the model could be
> handled by the model (as opposed to the controller as you suggest) by
> exposing a "legacy" view. (I'm talking generally rather than just
> web2py).

Yes....  at some level.... at another level, the view should know
nothing about the model.

In the simple case, this decays to something looking like this:

view:  index.html:

{{ =person }}

controlller:  default.html::index()

person = SQLFORM( db.person)

and SQLFORM is the utility function that operates as the controller
interface to the data layer.

> Also, you say the controller/logic includes "setting up the
> interface".  It depends what you mean.

by interface, I mean the traditional programming meaning:  the
classes, functions and attributes that are intended to be accessed by
the views.

>  If you mean collating the data
> required by the interface then I agree.  If you mean defining some
> aspects of thepresentationof the interface then I don't agree.

I'm not sure what you mean - presentation and programming interfaces
are somewhat separate things...

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