redirect(URL(r=request,c='myPrint',f='myPrint',args=[myDict])) # and
not f='lprProvv'

On Dec 12, 8:03 pm, pmate <> wrote:
> Hi,
> using pyrtf i created a new controller called
> In it i have a function:
> def myPrint():
>     myDict = request.args[0]
>     ...
>     ...
>     return q.dumps(doc)
> from my default controller i want to call that function passing to it
> a dictionary. After it finishes printing i want to get back to my
> controller.
> How can i do that?
> i tried from default controller to call that function in this way:
> redirect(URL(r=request,c='printings',f='lprProvv',args=[myDict]))
> but i get no result: "Invalid request"
> where am i wrong?
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