Do you mean in the view?
I just left
{{extend 'layout.html'}}

i even tried to do:
<style type="text/css">@import url(calendar-win2k-1.css);</style>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../static/calendar.js"></
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../static/lang/calendar-
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../static/calendar-setup.js"></

and set the id of the two input text as "date" and a javascript
function like this one described here:
but only the first of the two input text popped out the calendar. Not
the second


On 18 Dic, 07:34, mdipierro <> wrote:
> I got the same error once. I have not got to the bottom of it. I
> suspect conflicting js libraries.
> Which .js are you including?
> Massimo
> On Dec 17, 5:51 pm, pmate <> wrote:
> > this doesn't work:
> > form=FORM(TABLE(
> >         TR(TD('Data 1:'),TD(INPUT
> > (_class="date",_type="text",_name="data1",requires=IS_DATE('%d/%m/
> > %Y',error_message='date format: gg/mm/aaaa')))),
> >         TR(TD('Data 2:'),TD(INPUT
> > (_class="date",_type="text",_name="data2",requires=IS_DATE('%d/%m/
> > %Y',error_message='date format: gg/mm/aaaa'))))))
> > it pops up a message saying: "Calendar.setup: Nothing to setup (no
> > fields found). Please check your code"
> > why?
> > Paolo
> > On 23 Nov, 18:16, mdipierro <> wrote:
> > > 1) class="date" will do what you ask, same for 'time' and 'datetime'.
> > > 2) db.event.vandatum.requires=IS_DATE(T("%Y-%m-%d'))
> > > then use the languages tab to create an translation file (or en-
> > > and translate "%Y-%m-%d" into "%d/%m/%Y"
> > > 3) totdatum==vandatum + dagen  should be
> > > totdatum=IS_DATE()(vandatum)[0] + datetime.timedelta(days=int(dagen))
> > > IS_DATE()(vandatum)[0] uses the validator to parse the string into a
> > > date object.
> > > Massimo
> > > On Nov 23, 10:27 am,annet<> wrote:
> > > > I am working on an event list, which is based on the following model:
> > > > db.define_table('event',
> > > >     SQLField('bedrijf', db.bedrijf, notnull=True),
> > > >     SQLField('event', length=50, notnull=True),
> > > >     SQLField('vandatum', type='date', notnull=True,),
> > > >     SQLField('totdatum', type='date', notnull=True),
> > > >     SQLField('duur', length=10, notnull=True),
> > > >     SQLField('plaatsnaam', length=40, notnull=True),
> > > >     SQLField('locatie', length=50),
> > > >     SQLField('omschrijving', type='text'),
> > > >     SQLField('sleutelwoord', db.sleutelwoord, notnull=True,
> > > > ondelete='RESTRICT'),
> > > >     SQLField('doelgroep', db.doelgroep, notnull=True,
> > > > ondelete='RESTRICT'),
> > > >     SQLField('scope', db.scope, notnull=True, ondelete='RESTRICT'),
> > > >     migrate='event.table')
> > > > In the view, I have got the following form:
> > > > <form>
> > > >     <p>
> > > >         Type een plaatsnaam:<br />
> > > >         <input type="text" name="plaatsnaam" value="" /><br />
> > > >         Selecteer een 'van' datum:
> > > >         <input type="text" name="vandatum" value="" /><br />
> > > >         Selecteer een aantal weken:
> > > >         <select name="dagen">
> > > >             <option value="14" selected="selected">2 weken</option>
> > > >             <option value="28">4 weken</option>
> > > >             <option value="56">8 weken</option>
> > > >         </select>
> > > >         <input type="submit" />
> > > >     </p>
> > > > </form>
> > > > My first question is: how do I get this field:
> > > > <input type="text" name="vandatum" value="" />
> > > > to be of type date, so that the web2py_ajax code displays a calendar
> > > > when the user enter this field.
> > > > My second question is: when I pick a date it is formatted like this:
> > > > yyyy-mm-dd, whereas I would like it to be formatted this way: dd-mm-
> > > > yyyy. Since this format applies to all dates in my application, I hope
> > > > there is a way to set this format in one place.
> > > > Furthermore I got the following controller:
> > > > def byplace():
> > > >     vandatum==request.vars.vandatum
> > > >     dagen==request.vars.dagen
> > > >     totdatum==vandatum + dagen
> > > >     events=db((db.event.plaatsnaam==request.vars.plaatsnaam)&\
> > > >     (db.event.vandatum>=vandatum)&(db.event.totdatum<=totdatum)&\
> > > >     (db.event.doelgroep==1)&(db.event.scope==1))\
> > > >     .select(,db.event.event,db.event.vandatum,db.event.duur,
> > > > \
> > > >     db.event.locatie,orderby=db.event.vandatum)
> > > >     return dict(events=events)
> > > > My third question is: how do I code the following line
> > > > totdatum==vandatum + dagen
> > > > where vandatum is the start date of the search, dagen is the number of
> > > > days a visitor wants to add to the start date to get the end date of
> > > > the search.
> > > > I am looking forward to your answers to these questions.
> > > > Best regards,
> > > >Annet.
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