Thanks to everyone for their responses.

I am a VB and C# programmer for MS Windows Desktops, so I find myself
at a very steep learning curve here.

I have been using web2py for less than a day and am new to programming
with web frameworks.  I like what I have seen so far with web2py and
would like to use the framework for future development.

The YUI components do look interesting, however I wouldn't know where
to begin using plugins at this stage.

I have included the very simple code I have done so far in hopes that
someone can point me in the right direction towards accomplishing
this.  Articles and/or sample code would be greately appreciated.

Following the suggestion from Massimo, I have attempted a solution via
HTML, but I am not sure where to process the request.vars.

This is what I have so far....


db.define_table('mytest', SQLField('studentname', 'string'), SQLField
('gradeterm1','string'), SQLField('gradeterm2','string'))


def index():
    if myform.accepts(request.vars,session):
        response.flash='record added'
    return dict(form=myform, records=myrecords)

VIEW - mytest/index.html

{{extend 'layout.html'}}
<h1>mytest entry form</h1>
<h2>Current Records</h2>
<td>Student Name</td>
<td>Grade - Term1</td>
<td>Grade - Term2</td>
{{for myrecords in records:}}
   <td><INPUT type="text", name="grade1", value=
   <td><INPUT type="text", name="grade2", value=
<INPUT type="submit" value="Save"/>

This code gives me a nice form where I can add new students to the db,
and presents me with a list of all students in the db with input boxes
for the 2 term grades for each student.

When I press the Save button after filling in the grades, nothing

My questions are

1. Upon pressing Save, who is receiving the data entered for the
2. How can I associate the grade entered in the input boxes with the
student in the row, so I can call the update functions to update the
grades for each student respectively.

Thank you for help and patience.

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