for now use this. This is a case I never should about before.

     def __init__(self,*a,**b): IS_IN_DB.__init__(self,*a,**b)
     def __call__(self,value):
           if e[1]: return e
           return e


On Jan 6, 11:40 am, tknack <> wrote:
> Hi Massimo,
> Yes, it works ! But when I try to use IS_NOT_IN_DB with IS_IN_DB, I
> can't obtain a drop down list, even if I change the order of the
> lines. Here's my code :
> db.define_table('zonedef',
>                 SQLField('nom'))
> db.zonedef.nom.requires=[IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message='can't be
> empty!'),IS_NOT_IN_DB(db,'zonedef.nom')]
> db.zonedef.represent=lambda zonedef:
> A(zonedef.nom,_href=t2.action('update',
> db.define_table('u_name',
>                 SQLField('nom'),
>                 SQLField('description',length=128))
> db.define_table('u',
>                 SQLField('unit_id',db.u_name),
>                 SQLField('zd_id',db.zonedef),
>                 SQLField('nb_u','double'))
> db.u.zd_id.requires=IS_IN_DB(db,'','%(nom)s')
> db.u.unit_id.requires=IS_IN_DB(db,'','%(nom)s : (description)
> s')
> db.u.zd_id.requires=IS_NOT_IN_DB(db
> (db.u.unit_id==request.vars.unit_id),'u.zd_id')
> Can you help me to fix it, Massimo ?
> On 12 déc 2008, 23:24, mdipierro <> wrote:
> > No. validators are associated to one field in the sense that only one
> > field will report the error.
> > db.define_table('t',SQLField('f1'),SQLField('f'2'))
> > db.t.f2.requires=IS_NOT_IN_DB(db(db.t.f1==request.vars.f1),'t.f2')
> >  OR
> > db.t.f1.requires=IS_NOT_IN_DB(db(db.t.f2==request.vars.f2),'t.f1')
> > are equivalent and do exactly what you ask.  except that the former
> > associates the error with the f1 value and the second to the f2 value.
> > They both generate the query
> > db((db.t.f1==request.vars.f1)&(db.t.f2==request.vars.f2)).count()
> > Massimo
> > On Dec 12, 4:01 pm, DenesL <> wrote:
> > > On Dec 12, 4:07 pm, mdipierro <> wrote:
> > > > I still do not see why you cannot use IS_NOT_IN_DB(sqlset,....) You
> > > > must have access to the variables that you want to validate.
> > > Correct me if I am wrong but IS_NOT_IN_DB only looks at the value of
> > > one field.
> > > From
> > > rows=self.dbset(field=value).select(limitby=(0,1))
> > > What we are thinking is:
> > > [field1value,field2value,field3value,...] as a row is not in the DB.
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