Transactions and list properties are also not supported, until
transactions are officially added to web2py, you can still do
transactions this way:

from google.appengine.ext import db as google_db
def mytxn(db,id):
  record = db([0]
  return record.count
count = google_db.run_in_transaction(mytxn,arg1,arg2)

Many of the SQL stuff like lower(), upper() is not supported, in
August GAE added a special field called __key__ that can be used in
queries on GAE, so sorting by id could be added to web2py. However,
ids on GAE are not guaranteed to be ascending, because of sharding,
ids can be assigned out of order.  As far as timestamps go, they could
have up to a second or more of skew between machines, so it is best to
use a composite key for ordering (timestamp + user_id +
user_sequential_counter).  Using a composite key like this means a
user's events are guaranteed to be serialized.


On Jan 15, 6:23 am, "Markus Gritsch" <> wrote:
> Hi,
> is there some detailed information available on which DAL subset is
> available on GAE?
> The web2py book says that "You cannot perform complex queries on the
> datastore, in particular there are no JOIN, OR, LIKE, IN, and
> DATE/DATETIME operators".
> I used a query with an which did not work on
> GAE.  Although tables do have an id column which can be uses to select
> a row, it cannot be used for orderby.  I worked around this by an
> additional datetime column, however, I wonder which other stuff does
> also not work on GAE.
> Kind regards,
> Markus
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