Bahh, I'm asleep at the wheel here... it should of course be:

    submit_tr = form.element(_id='submit_record__row')
    submit_tr[1].insert( 0, INPUT( _type='button', _value=T('<<Back'),
_onclick="location='"+URL(r=request,f='step1')+"';") )

Sorry for that, folks.

On Jan 19, 4:21 pm, Peter <> wrote:
> Okay Massimo, that's exactly the clarity I'm looking for! I couldn't
> really find it in the docs, but if I can use this as a more or less
> official API, I'm happy. For one thing, I had overlooked the obvious
> del()... ;-)   A parent() function would be nice --especially since I
> can't delete an element found with form.element()-- but that is really
> just icing on the cake.
> It means that I can now answer my own question "is there a better way
> to do this":
>     form=SQLFORM(db.t2_person,myperson,deletable=False,showid=False)
>     submit_tr = form.element(_id='submit_record__row')
>     # get rid of the submit button and append two new INPUTs in its
> place
>     del(submit_tr[1][0])
>     submit_tr[1].append( INPUT( _type='button', _value=T
> ('<<Previous'), _onclick="location='"+URL(r=request,f='step1')+"';") )
>     submit_tr[1].append( INPUT( _type='submit', _value=T('Next>>') ) )
> Looks a lot better, doesn't it? :-)  This way, I can really "go to
> town" on the html as generated by SQLFORM.
> Thanks again!
> -Peter
> On Jan 19, 11:02 am, mdipierro <> wrote:
> > I think what is provided is not much different than what you asking
> > > a=DIV()
> > > a.append(H1())
> > > a.append(H2())
> > > a[0].append('hello')
> > > a[1].append('world')
> > > a.insert(1,SPAN(' '))
> > > print a
> > <div><h1>hello</h1><span> </span><h2>world</h2></div>
> > > a[1]['_id']='myid'
> > > a.element(_id='myid').update(_class='myclass')
> > > print a
> > <div><h1>hello</h1><span class="myclass" id="myid"> </span><h2>world</
> > h2></div>
> > > del a[0]
> > > print a
> > <div><span class="myclass" id="myid"> </span><h2>world</h2></div>
> > Really the only missing thing is the ability to query for the parent
> > of a node, and that would be easy to add.
> > Massimo
> > On Jan 19, 1:39 am, Peter <> wrote:
> > > >  Can you provide an example of the API you would like to have?
> > > A small subset of the formal DOM API (
> > > HTML/html.html) would do wonders:
> > > * Top of the list would be "structural manipulation" functions that
> > > would allow insertion or removal of elements at specific places in the
> > > tree: appendChild(node), insertBefore(node), removeChild(node) .
> > > * Second would be "structural navigation", parentNode, .childNodes
> > > (see
> > > * Search functions  (a bit of a luxury given that we have form.element
> > > ()?): getElementByID(string elementId) and getElementsByTagName(string
> > > tagname) (
> > > * And manipulation of "html nodes": getAttribute(), setAttribute(),
> > > removeAttribute() (
> > > Of course, if I were half a man I would build it myself and send you a
> > > patch for, but I'm afraid I am lacking both in experience and
> > > in time... ;-)
> > > Cheers,
> > > -Peter
> > > On Jan 19, 3:34 am, mdipierro <> wrote:
> > > > At this time using [i], .element, .append and .insert are the only
> > > > methods to manipulate the form. Can you provide an example of the API
> > > > you would like to have?
> > > > Massimo
> > > > On Jan 18, 2:54 pm, Peter <> wrote:
> > > > > Hi Massimo et al,
> > > > > First of all, the onvalidation callback that is now in SQLFORM (in
> > > > > trunk) is a real winner, thanks! The validation rules in my app are
> > > > > largely context-sensitive, and that was a big problem -- until now.
> > > > > I am still struggling to find the best way to customize SQLFORM views,
> > > > > though. The "new" form.element() function only allows me to modify the
> > > > > attributes existing xml nodes -- is that correct?
> > > > > For instance, I needed previous/next buttons in a multi-page form, and
> > > > > I really hate having to handcode entire forms in the html (or in the
> > > > > controller, for that matter). This is what I came up with:
> > > > > # controller
> > > > >    form=SQLFORM(db.t2_person,myperson,deletable=False,showid=False)
> > > > >     l = len(form.components[0])  # =number of rows in form
> > > > >     # add input element to second td in submit row
> > > > >     form.components[0][l-1][1].append( INPUT(_type="buttonx") )
> > > > >     # redefine both "submit" and "buttonx"
> > > > >     form.element(_type="submit").update(_type="button",
> > > > >         _value="<<Previous",_onclick="location='"+URL
> > > > > (r=request,f='step1')+"';")
> > > > >     form.element(_type="buttonx").update(_type="submit",
> > > > > _value="Next>>")
> > > > > Basically, I add a new 'dummy'  input element and then redefine both
> > > > > inputs using form.element(). This works, but the direct use of the
> > > > > internal form/div structure to insert a new xml node is an eyesore. Is
> > > > > there a better way to do this?
> > > > > Ideally, I'd be looking for a sort of formalized API that I could use
> > > > > to manipulate the entire xml tree of the form, eg, similar to the
> > > > > DOM.
> > > > > Cheers,
> > > > > -Peter
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