Good day.
I discovered web2py a few weeks ago. I like it because it's light and
powerful. :) And the templating system is excellent.
I played with it a little. I worked in PHP and Karrigell before, so i
know a little about web servers.

Ok, straight to point.

I use windows. I am trying to make a local server for running some
automations. (that is, receive raw data from customers, move files
from one place to another on the server, process data, compress the
input and output files and send output data to customers. All is done
automatically, via some batch files / python scripts)

What i want is this : to create some kind of forum, with local area
network access only, user / password access.
Then, i want to call the scripts i defined (batch or python) from
web2py and render in browser the messages that i receive while the
automation process happens...

I started to broadcast on LAN, port 80. I tested something. On a new
page i defined :

def index():
    import os
    content = "Starting<br>\n"


    content += "The end<br>"
    return dict( content=XML(content) )

I hope you are not laughing :))
I checked index page from a client. The page was suspended in client
browser, and on the server there was one cmd window "Press any key to
continue". I had to close the cmd window for the page to completely
load. The other pages were working just fine even when the index page
was locked, i was very pleased to see that. :)

Now, i cannot work with os.system() calls, because i don't have the
control i need. I don't know how to catch the messages from the
program i am running with os.system. I don't need return the codes, i
want full messages.
So i used another example :

    import os
    import subprocess as _sproc
    from subprocess import PIPE
    content = "Starting<br>\n"

    p = _sproc.Popen( 'c:web2py/ccc.bat', bufsize=-1, stdout=PIPE,
stderr=PIPE, shell=True ).communicate()
    retcode = p[0].replace('\r\n', '<br>\n') + '<br>'
    content += retcode

    content += "The end<br>"
    return dict( content=XML(content) )

The file "ccc.bat" contained:



I was pleased to see that the execution was imediate and the server
didn't lock. :)

I also tested the same app with a more complex automation. The
respective page and script freezes completely while the long
application communicates, but the rest of pages work fine.

I am very happy with web2py.

Can anyone suggest any improvements i can do? Maybe run my
applications in a different manner, so that the rest of the functions
included in the script will work while automation communicates?
Maybe refresh the page with each message printed, so that i don't have
to wait for the whole process to finish before i can see the
result?... I don't know how to do that yet.

Thank you.

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