Usually if they support cherrypy, web2py works too.

On Feb 18, 4:26 pm, Alexandre Miguel de Andrade Souza
<> wrote:
> 2009/2/18 mattynoce <>
> > hi all. i know hosting has come up a lot on this group, and i have
> > read as many posts as i could find. but i still have a question:
> > does anyone have a web2py good hosting solution for a non-sysadmin?
> > i'm a programmer but don't have much experience with hosting. i've
> > always used hosting providers so i could concentrate on my area of
> > expertise, and it worked for asp, php, jsp, etc.
> > i would like to use web2py for a small business but i'm worried that
> > by running a vps i'd be getting myself in trouble. if that is the
> > solution that makes the most sense, i will spend as much time as i
> > need learning how to do everything i need the hosting computer to do.
> > does anyone have any suggestions? since i'm not sure if my business
> > will make any money, i'm leaning towards a cheap plan, godaddy or
> > jumpline. but i just wondered if it is possible to run web2py without
> > the hassle of running a vps.
> > thanks,
> > matt
> I am sure soon someone will offer vps configured with web2py in mod_wsgi.
> Other solution is pay someone to make it for you in a fixed value per setup.
> Yet, you can use also GAE to start (Google Application Engine).
> --
> Atenciosamente
> --
> =========================
> Alexandre Miguel de Andrade Souza
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