sorry for my delay but I got the flu, today I will post my results


On 24 Feb, 23:54, mdipierro <> wrote:
> guess not. leave it as it was.
> One of the execute in create table was failing. Perhaps it did not
> like the trailing ; or traling \n. Or perhaps the query was wrong.
> Can you help debug which one was failing?
> Massimo
> On Feb 24, 4:37 pm, DenesL <> wrote:
> > On Feb 24, 4:44 pm, mdipierro <> wrote:
> > > Can you try change line 785 from
> > > self._execute = lambda *a, **b: self._cursor.execute(*a, **b)
> > > to
> > > self._execute = lambda a: self._cursor.execute(a[:-1])
> > In my the line number is 789, changed as instructed.
> > > Any better?
> > >>> db=SQLDB('db2:DSN=dot8;UID=test;PWD=db2py')
> > >>> db.define_table('tt',
> > ...   SQLField('int','integer'),
> > ...   SQLField('str','string'))
> > <SQLSTable {'ALL': <gluon.sql.SQLALL object at 0x01928790>, 'str':
> > <gluon.sql.SQ
> > LField object at 0x01928690>, '_referenced_by': [], 'fields': ['id',
> > 'int', 'str
> > '], '_db': <SQLStorage {'_connection': <pyodbc.Connection object at
> > 0x019287A0>,
> >  '_lastsql': 'CREATE TABLE tt(\n\tid ROWID NOT NULL,\n\tint INT,\n
> > \tstr VARCHAR(
> > 32)\n);', '_dbname': 'db2', '_execute': <function <lambda> at
> > 0x0192F530>, 'tt':
> >  <SQLSTable {...}>, '_pools': 0, '_folder': 'applications\\test\
> > \databases', '_u
> > ri': 'db2:DSN=dot8;UID=test;PWD=db2py', 'tables': ['tt'],
> > '_translator': {'upper
> > ': 'UPPER(%(field)s)', 'reference': 'INT, FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s)
> > S %(foreign_key)s (id) ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'text':
> > 'CLOB', 'random'
> > : 'RAND()', 'datetime': 'TIMESTAMP', 'substring': 'SUBSTR(%(field)s,%
> > (pos)s,%(le
> > ngth)s)', 'boolean': 'CHAR(1)', 'extract': 'EXTRACT(%(name)s FROM %
> > (field)s)', '
> > id': 'ROWID NOT NULL', 'is null': 'IS NULL', 'is not null': 'IS NOT
> > NULL', 'blob
> > ': 'IMAGE', 'notnull': 'NOT NULL DEFAULT %(default)s', 'string':
> > 'VARCHAR(%(leng
> > th)s)', 'date': 'DATE', 'integer': 'INT', 'password': 'VARCHAR(%
> > (length)s)', 'lo
> > wer': 'LOWER(%(field)s)', 'left join': 'LEFT OUTER JOIN', 'double':
> > 'DOUBLE', 'u
> > pload': 'VARCHAR(128)', 'time': 'TIME'}, '_cursor': <pyodbc.Cursor
> > object at 0x0
> > 192D6E8>}>, '_dbt': 'applications\\test\\databases\
> > \a574356351ae1b28d83f975bec5a
> > 0c18_tt.table', 'int': <gluon.sql.SQLField object at 0x01928870>,
> > '_tablename':
> > 'tt', '_logfilename': 'applications\\test\\databases\\sql.log', 'id':
> > <gluon.sql
> > .SQLField object at 0x019287D0>}>>>>,str='hello')
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
> >   File "C:\web2py\trunk\gluon\", line 1303, in insert
> >     self._db._execute(query)
> >   File "C:\web2py\trunk\gluon\", line 790, in <lambda>
> >     self._execute = lambda a: self._cursor.execute(a[:-1])
> > Error: ('HY000', '[HY000] [IBM][iSeries Access ODBC Driver][DB2 UDB]
> > SQL7008 - TT
> >  in QGPL not valid for operation. (-7008) (SQLExecDirectW)')
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