I have a test Wiki Controller which now defines a form with the
I can customise, I have a text area which is edited by nicEdit. On
saves contents to my db. and can be dispalayed on another page with
while this is OK, when clicking submit, the code clears the textarea
on submit.
If I click submit again it will display the previous saved/displayed
A third iteration of above process and the cleared textarea will be
submitted and
so "erase" the previous data.

I need to stop the code "clearing" the textarea on submit, should be
ok after that,
but how???

here is controller code:

def edit():
                try: thispage=db(db.page.id==request.args[0]).select()[0]
                except: redirect(URL(r=request,f='index'))
                form=FORM(DIV(TEXTAREA(_style="width: 98%;", _name="wikibody1",
                if form.accepts(request.vars,session):
                        response.flash="form accepted!"
                elif form.errors:
                        response.flash="form is invalid!"
                return dict(form=form,page=thispage)

p.s. I do read as much of the documentation to try and solve these
problems, but some of the syntax is still in a "black box" - when I
have time I will learn the underlying code but it would be nice to
just get some stuff working and get some pos' feedback.

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