I have the same problem as reported here, so its not specific to user.
I would also appreciate having the full working and utf-8 ready
support for Firebird. Its very easy managed SQL server!

On 11 Bře, 05:58, Horst Herb <my.list.subscripti...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 3:31 PM, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > The error below is due to the fact that
> > ma=SQLDB('firebird://dbuser:dbpass/')
> > should probably be
> > ma=SQLDB('firebird://dbuser:dbpass/')
> No. If I omit the second "/" it searches for teh database in the local
> directory only. If I specify the database file with path the second
> '/' is required (else I get a 'database not found' error)
> > but things do not add up. The problem with SET NAMES is at line 763
> > and the problem below is at line 742. The order in which you are
> > getting these errors does not make sense.
> No, they don't
> > Are you connecting more than once to the same database?
> No
> > Is this an existing database?
> Yes. And no problems firing up a python shell, connecting to it with
> the native kinterbasdb driver (which web2py uses internally too!), and
> using it
> Horst
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