I have something like this setup for PyCon registration system, so we can
test locally (since locally, I don't want to connect to Google Checkout -
but rather it's sandbox;  there are numerous things like this).
That is to say, I think the person writing the application has to decide
what to trigger / change.

If you don't like DEBUG, or want to keep it separate from deployment issues,
what would you propose?  (a DEBUG like global, just called something else?
do we need that?)


On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 8:52 PM, AchipA <attila.cs...@gmail.com> wrote:

> We kind of already have this, but perhaps not as clearly defined or
> with a 'master switch' for it. You can change logging levels via the -
> D switch. We have 'compile app'. The autoreload is just a model
> setting away:
> if DEBUG: reload('funky.module')
> Cache stuff is a tad more tricky, especially with the slightly
> unexpected timing logic web2py has, but I guess, there too you could
> use a model setting
> cachetime = lambda x: if DEBUG: return 0 else: return x
> cache.ram('key', lambda: stuff, cachetime(60))
> On Mar 11, 8:10 pm, blackthorne <francisco....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > hi
> >
> > As my experience with web2py grows I find an increased need to make it
> > work in 2 main environments/behaviors.
> >
> > The first mode would be "development" and it should run with smaller
> > buffers, extra debug features/output, auto-refresh for files like
> > routes.py so that you can edit routes on-the-fly, no caching
> > mechanisms that can trick the programmers and it could even be a
> > testing mode for new web2py features.
> > Then there would be "production" mode, meant to be simple, stable and
> > as fast as possible.
> >
> > Thinking about it, doesn't make sense that such different usages run
> > the same way.
> >
> > This idea doesn't break the convention over configuration philosophy
> > used in web2py.
> >
> > Thanks
> >

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