maybe a stupid one but, what stops you from creating one totally new schema
that have only views which then you can make "writeable" trough triggers (or
something smarter if there is)
so all schema tables would be gathered in one schema with many views... just
an idea?


On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 6:24 AM, David Niergarth <> wrote:

> I wondered if that might be the case. db._cursor will do just what we
> need. Thanks.
> --David
> On Mar 31, 11:12 pm, mdipierro <> wrote:
> > The problem is that not all adaptors support the same API and some are
> > undocumented. You can use
> >
> > db._cursor.execute("select first, last from names where id=%(id)s;",
> > {'id': id})
> > db._cursor.fetchall()
> >
> > On Mar 31, 10:54 pm, David Niergarth <> wrote:
> >
> > > For our application we are not using the ORM features of the DAL (see
> > > P.S. explanation). All of our non-auth queries use db.executesql(sql).
> > > It seems like executesql() should support the optional mapping-or-
> > > tuple argument that the underlying DB API 2.0 cursor supports. For
> > > example,
> >
> > >     cursor.execute("select first, last from names where id=%(id)s;",
> > > {'id': id})
> > >     cursor.execute("select first, last from names where id=%s;",
> > > (id,))
> >
> > > The db adapter will then handle escaping the values you're subbing
> > > into your query string. With executesql(), you need to resort to
> > > escaping the values manually and using string interpolation. In our
> > > case, that would be something like
> >
> > >     db.executesql("select first, last from names where id = %s;" %
> > > psycopg.Binary(id))
> >
> > > My first thought was to submit a patch to allow a second argument to
> > > executesql to be passed through to the underlying cursor.execute(). A
> > > better solution, however, might be to add a method or attribute that
> > > exposes the underlying cursor object so we'd be free to use the usual
> > > DB API methods (execute(), fetchone(), fetchall(), etc.). The
> > > executesql() behavior of doing a fetchall is not always ideal either.
> >
> > > Does anybody have any thoughts about accessing cursor methods directly
> > > or adding a second arg to executesql()? Would you be interested in
> > > patch for executesql()?
> >
> > > --David
> >
> > > P.S. The main reason we're not using the DAL ORM features is lack of
> > > support for PostgreSQL schemas. Schemas in PostgreSQL are a namespace
> > > above the level of tables that allow you to group tables and prevent
> > > table name collisions between schemas. The default schema in
> > > PostgreSQL is "public," so queries for a table called "people" would,
> > > more explicitly, be "public"."people". So, for example, the tables
> > > schema1.people and schema2.people would be distinct tables in
> > > different schemas. The DAL dotted attribute access doesn't give us a
> > > way to distinguish these tables. I'm not suggesting the DAL should
> > > support schemas -- it is a PostgreSQL-specific extension and we're not
> > > the normal use case. But it is a limitation for us.
> >

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not
sure about the former."-Albert Einstein

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