Thanks for the update, David.

On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 8:51 AM, David Niergarth <> wrote:

> On Apr 1, 9:20 pm, Yarko Tymciurak <> wrote:
> > >
> >
> > and looking at this, it seems fairly straight forward:
> Yes it does. The manual threw me when it said that "*Currently* views
> are read only" but that "you can get the *effect* of an updatable view
> by creating rules" -- sounded to me like hack I didn't want to get
> into. ;) Reading more about rules in PostgreSQL, views are actually
> implemented using rules so using rules to add insert/update/delete
> behavior is the completely natural/blessed way to do it. Performance-
> wise, queries I ran using the writable views seemed just as fast as
> queries using the underlying tables. Running 20K updates on a view
> sometimes took twice as long as updates on the table, but that's
> probably more related to me testing on a laptop. Thanks for pushing me
> to explore this more.
> > if your view is just the table, with a field re-named to 'id' then this
> > seems simple;
> > Can you try the pattern shown by example in
> >
> > ...
> > Let us know if this works.
> It works! I was skeptical but I'm feeling pleasantly surprised. The
> insert, update, and delete rules will be a bit t-e-d-i-o-u-s to write
> (especially with lots of tables). Any on-the-fly tables you might
> create (e.g., cached search results) will also need corresponding
> views and rules created on-the-fly (at least if you need to join
> against them). But  beyond the extra views and rules, legacy
> PostgreSQL databases can be used with the DAL this way.
> --David
> >

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