I did it:

 ('/admin(?P<stuff>.*)', '/admin\g<stuff>'),
 ('/static(?P<stuff>.+)', '/cj/static\g<stuff>'),
 ('/(?P<controller>error|blog|auth)', '/cj/$controller/index'),
 ('/cj/(?P<stuff>.+)', '/cj/\g<stuff>'),
 ('^.*:/$', '/cj/main/index'),
 ('/(?P<args>.+)', '/cj/main/index/$args'),
 ('/admin(?P<stuff>.*)', '/admin\g<stuff>'),
 ('/cj/(?P<stuff>.+)', '/\g<stuff>'),

One other thing though, i know doing mydomain.com/google.com works but
how would I make mydomain.com/http://google.com work without getting
invaild request?

On Apr 13, 6:51 pm, ceej <cjlaz...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> so if I've defined what mydomain.com/controllers are, how would I make
> it so anything not my controller like mydomain.com/jnjNKJN would be
> picked up in my /cj/main/index as request.args[0] ?
> On Apr 13, 6:40 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > It cannot check for controller files but you can list them. replace
> > ('/$controller', '/cj/$controller/index'),
> > with
> > ('/(?P<controller>mycontroller1|mycontroller2|mycontroller3)', '/cj/
> > $controller/index'),
> > On Apr 13, 5:44 pm, ceej <cjlaz...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > > If I'm doing this:
> > > routes_in=(
> > >  ('/admin(?P<stuff>.*)', '/admin\g<stuff>'),
> > >  ('/cj/(?P<stuff>.+)', '/cj/\g<stuff>'),
> > >  ('/$controller', '/cj/$controller/index'),
> > >  ('^.*:/$', '/cj/main/index'),
> > >  ('/(?P<stuff>.+)', '/cj/\g<stuff>'),
> > > )
> > > routes_out=(
> > >  ('/admin(?P<stuff>.*)', '/admin\g<stuff>'),
> > >  ('^/cj/main/index$','/'),
> > >  ('/cj/(?P<stuff>.+)', '/\g<stuff>'),
> > > )
> > > So if I goto mydomain.com/test it will look for a controller called
> > > test, is there a way to make it so that if it doesn't find the
> > > controller make cj/main/index still load as the route but have test be
> > > in request.args[0] instead of getting invalid controller?
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