On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 8:32 AM, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:

> this line
> discuss=db(db.discuss.id==prodj.id).select(orderby=~db.discuss.score)
> should be
> discuss=db(db.discuss.id==prodj).select(orderby=~db.discuss.score)

You use prodj 3 ways, so this is really hard to read.

prodj: the local variable which holds the requested wiki;
prodj- the field, which contains a reference to the prodj.id field
prodj - the table name;

Massimo shows you the syntax error, but I'm not sure that is what you

Language (not programming language) is our primary way of communicating, so
I get very picky about being able to read code (my own included).

This is a good reason to use the naming convention (and even your mistake
shows how good an idea this is ;-)):

   - when naming a reference to another table, make it clear that you are
   pointing to an ID field in the other table:  I suggest allways add "_id" to
   the end of references; it will remind you what you are looking at in your
   code, that is change db.discuss.prodj to db.discuss.prodj_id

   - avoid using the same name to represent multiple things in the same
   context;  for your local variable, I would make it clear / readable - maybe
   name it requested_prodj, or this_prodj, or my_prodj....  you get the idea...

If you do this, you now have:

requested_prodj: the local variable which holds the requested wiki;
prodj_id- the field, which contains a reference to the prodj.id field
prodj - the table name;

You now have the following logic problem to solve: your controller reads:

    requested_prodj=int(request.args[0])   # the requested project (id?)
    item=db(db.prodj.id==request.args[0]).select()[0]   # the requested
project record
    discuss=db(db.discuss.id==prodj.id).select(orderby=~db.discuss.score)  #
 argh!  this is probably wrong

so I suggest maybe you mean this:

    # you have given a readable name to request.args[0] showing intent - use
    item=db(db.prodj.id==requested_prodj).select()[0]   # the requested
project record
).select(orderby=~db.discuss.score)  #  this is probably what you meant...

As I read this, I would change the names some more to show what the intent
is more clearly, since "item" is really the requested prodj - Say what you
mean, and your debugging will shift from a mystery, to a check to see if you
are doing the right things :-)

Hope this helps.


> On Apr 14, 4:52 am, murray3 <ch...@murraypost.net> wrote:
> > Thanks Julio,
> > I changed some things around but still have not got it working. Here
> > is my code:
> > now I have a problem with "id"
> >
> > model:
> >
> > db.define_table("prodj",
> >     SQLField("timestamp",'datetime',default=now),
> >     SQLField("uuid",length=128,writable=False,default=str(uuid.uuid4
> > ())),
> >     SQLField("active",'boolean',default=True),
> >     SQLField("name"))
> >
> > db.define_table('discuss',
> >         SQLField('uuid',length=128,writable=False,default=str
> > (uuid.uuid4())),
> >         SQLField('score','integer',default=1),
> >         SQLField('timestamp','datetime',default=now),
> >         SQLField('author_name',db.auth_user),
> >         SQLField('author_alias'),
> >         SQLField('author_email'),
> >         SQLField('parente','integer',default=0),
> >         SQLField('prodj',db.prodj),
> >         SQLField('body','text'),
> >         SQLField('flagged','boolean',default=False))
> >
> > controller:
> >
> > @auth.requires_login()
> > def show():
> >      "shows a wiki prodj"
> >      #try:
> >      prodj=int(request.args[0])
> >      #prodj=db(db.prodj.id==request.args[0]).select()[0]
> >      #except: redirect(URL(r=request,f='index'))
> >      if session.authorized:
> >
> form=SQLFORM(db.discuss,fields=['body'],labels={'body':''})
> >                 form.vars.author=session.authorized
> >                 form.vars.author_alias=session.alias
> >                 form.vars.prodj=prodj
> >                 if form.accepts(request.vars,formname='0'):
> >                         response.flash='discuss posted'
> >      else: form=None
> >      #try:
> >      #item=db(db.prodj.id==prodj).select()[0]
> >      item=db(db.prodj.id==request.args[0]).select()[0]
> >      discuss=db(db.discuss.id==prodj.id).select
> > (orderby=~db.discuss.score)
> >      #except: redirect(URL(r=request,f='index'))
> >      items=[]
> >      tree={}
> >      forms={}
> >      for c in discuss:
> >          if not tree.has_key(c.parente): tree[c.parente]=[c]
> >          else: tree[c.parente].append(c)
> >          if session.authorized:
> >
>  f=SQLFORM(db.discuss,fields=['body'],labels={'body':''})
> >                          f.vars.author=session.authorized
> >                          f.vars.author_alias=session.alias
> >                          f.vars.prodj=prodj
> >                          f.vars.parente=c.id
> >                          if f.accepts(request.vars,formname=str(c.id)):
> >                                 session.flash='discuss posted'
> >
> redirect(URL(r=request,args=request.args))
> >                          forms[c.id]=f
> >      return dict
> > (prodj=prodj,item=item,form=form,tree=tree,forms=forms,parent=0)
> >
> > traceback:
> >
> > WARNING  2009-04-14 09:41:43,703 cache.py] no cache.disk
> > ERROR    2009-04-14 09:41:43,983 main.py] Traceback (most recent call
> > last):
> >   File "c:\apps\web2py\gluon\restricted.py", line 98, in restricted
> >     exec ccode in environment
> >   File "c:\apps\web2py\applications\fabmonger/controllers/default.py",
> > line 246, in <module>
> >   File "c:\apps\web2py\gluon\globals.py", line 75, in <lambda>
> >     self._caller = lambda f: f()
> >   File "c:\apps\web2py\gluon\tools.py", line 989, in f
> >     return action(*a, **b)
> >   File "c:\apps\web2py\applications\fabmonger/controllers/default.py",
> > line 94, in show
> >     discuss=db(db.discuss.id==prodj.id).select
> > (orderby=~db.discuss.score)
> > AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'id'
> >
> > INFO     2009-04-14 09:41:44,046 dev_appserver.py] "GET /fabmonger/
> > default/show/2 HTTP/1.1" 200 -
> >

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