Sorry Jim i just saw your post right now. 

I don't use the grid search. I use a normal form to collect the key:value 
Then I build the query, and I pass it to the grid, with the parameter 
searchable =False.

The advantage is when I have defined the keys I can easily combine (in 
AND) the terms of the search and everything goes much quicker for the user.
Instead of the colon in key:value I use in reality the comparison term 
(<,>,<=, ==, !=, etc) that I parse in the function "search_query".

The last step I am going to take is to bring everything out in a 
configuration file, so the search_query remains always the same (re-usable 
in different apps / controllers), and in the configuration file I specify 
which key-OP-value I want to consider for that specific grid.

On Monday, October 1, 2012 10:29:19 PM UTC+9, Jim S wrote:
> So you're really not even using the grid search then.  You're controlling 
> the entire search form and placing it on the page in your view, right?
> -Jim
> On Saturday, September 29, 2012 9:52:25 PM UTC-5, alex wrote:
>> I found the way to bypass the problem.
>> I have changed the call to SQLFORM.grid from:
>> table=SQLFORM.grid(query, search_widget=search_form, fields=fields)
>> to:
>> table=SQLFORM.grid(qry, fields=fields,,searchable=False) 
>> and I have added a normal form for performing searches
>>     ...
>>  form = SQLFORM.factory(Field('search'))
>>     if form.process().accepted:
>>         qry=search_query( 
>>     ...
>> So, all together:
>> def search_query(search_text): 
>>     words= search_text.split(' ') if search_text else [] 
>>     query =<0
>>     queries=[]
>>     queries.append(>0)
>>     for word in words: 
>>         key,value=word.split(':') if ':' in word else ['',word]
>>         if key=='a': 
>>             queries.append(db.t.a.contains(value))
>>         elif key=='b':
>>             queries.append(db.t.b.contains(value))
>>         else:
>>             queries.append(db.t.a.contains(value)|db.t.b.contains(value))
>>     if len(queries) > 0:
>>         query = (reduce(lambda a,b:(a&b),queries))
>>     return query
>> def index():
>>     form = SQLFORM.factory(Field('search'))
>>     if form.process().accepted:
>>         qry=search_query( 
>>     fields=[db.t.a, db.t.b]
>>     table=SQLFORM.grid(qry, fields=fields,,searchable=
>> False) 
>>     return locals()
>> index.html
>> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
>> {{=form}}
>> {{=table}}
>> On Friday, September 28, 2012 2:15:31 PM UTC+9, alex wrote:
>>> I have this table
>>> db.define_table('t',
>>>     Field('a', type='string'),
>>>     Field('b', type='string'),
>>>     )
>>> db.t.insert(a='US', b='Washington')
>>> db.t.insert(a='US', b='Rochester')
>>> db.t.insert(a='US', b='Los Angeles')
>>> db.t.insert(a='US', b='Minneapolis')
>>> Now I want to search the items in a grid with a custom search box. I 
>>> would like to input in the search box the name of the fields and the value 
>>> I am searching for in this way:
>>> a:s b:och b:er
>>> Meaning: find all the record where field a contains "s" and field b 
>>> contains 'och' and field b contains 'er'
>>> Copying from previous posts of this group, I have now this:
>>> def search_form(self,url): 
>>>     form = FORM('', 
>>>       INPUT(_name='keywords', _value=request.get_vars.keywords, 
>>>         _style='width:200px;', 
>>>         _id='keywords'), 
>>>         INPUT(_type='submit',_value=T('Search')), 
>>>         INPUT(_type='submit',_value=T('Clear'), 
>>>         _onclick="jQuery('#keywords').val('');"), 
>>>         _method="GET",_action=url) 
>>>     return form 
>>> def search_query(search_text): 
>>>     words= search_text.split(' ') if search_text else [] 
>>>     query =<0
>>>     queries=[]
>>>     queries.append(>0)
>>>     for word in words: 
>>>         key,value=word.split(':') if ':' in word else ['',word]
>>>         if key=='a': 
>>>             queries.append(db.t.a.contains(value))
>>>         elif key=='b':
>>>             queries.append(db.t.b.contains(value))
>>>         else:
>>>             queries.append(db.t.a.contains(value)|db.t.b.contains(value
>>> ))
>>>     if len(queries) > 0:
>>>         query = reduce(lambda a,b:(a&b),queries)
>>>     return query
>>> def index():
>>>     search_text=request.get_vars.keywords 
>>>     query=search_query(search_text) 
>>>     fields=[db.t.a, db.t.b]
>>>     table=SQLFORM.grid(query, search_widget=search_form, fields=fields) 
>>>     return locals()
>>> index.html
>>> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
>>> {{=table}}
>>> Now, if in the search box I type 
>>> a:s
>>> The grid is empty and the answer is: *No records found*
>>> the query shown is : (( > 0) AND (t.a LIKE '%s%'))
>>> a:s a:s
>>> The grid returns all the record of US correctly but it writes* **Invalid 
>>> query* above the grid
>>> the query shown is : ((( > 0) AND (t.a LIKE '%s%')) AND (t.a LIKE 
>>> '%s%'))
>>> a:s b:e
>>> same as above, the grid returns all the record correctly but it writes 
>>> *Invalid 
>>> query* above the grid
>>> the query shown is : ((( > 0) AND (t.a LIKE '%s%')) AND (t.b LIKE 
>>> '%e%'))
>>> What am I doing wrong?


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