ajax helper is a just a shortcut for $.ajax but I recommend using $.ajax. 
It is more flexible.

On Wednesday, 3 October 2012 09:37:09 UTC-5, Richard wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using Raphael for drawing diagrams and want to store de location of 
> the elements in the database.
> Do I need $.ajax or can I stick to ajax helper?
> View:
>     var up = function () {
>         this.attr({opacity: 1.0});
>         var locx = this.attr("x");
>         ajax('new_post', ['locx'], 'resp');
>     };
> Controller :
>     def new_post():
>           db.post.insert(your_message=request.vars.locx)
> Any hint would be welcome
> Richard


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